I am not very good at being sick. I see some people and they seem to manage to get up when they are sick and they work and stuff whereas me when I am sick I just lie around and moan and complain and want people to do things for me and writing this blog is requiring way more energy than it should. I am probably only doing it so that I can feel like I achieved something today and not just slept.
The one good thing about being sick is that I don’t have to go to work or uni. I am not very happy with either of those things at the moment. My Spanish teacher and I do not seem to have gelled real well. I asked to leave last week 10 minutes early so I wouldn’t miss my train and be waitingat 9pm on the freezing cold platform for another half an hour and she has been angry ever since. And work well if I get started there I won’t stop and you know I think I decided that it wasn’t very good to talk about people on blogs, probably isn’t at all and my porblems there revolve around a person.