So Martin and John are just doing the finishing touches on the Hilux ie roping everything down so it doesn’t all fall off, and then we are off. How very sad I feel right now. I’ve being crying heaps although I am better today than last night. A special thanks to everyone that came to the BBQ I had a really good time. I know that the friendships will continue and I am going to see everyone fairly frequently but I will miss doing life with all the wonderful people here in Sydney. Probably everyone feels like this but I truly feel that I have the best friends/community in the world.
I am excited though, was looking over the map of Queensland that my grandparents gave us and the possibilities of adventure are endless. Also, feel very right about living in Alice Springs for this next phase and despite a little bit of anxiety (well a little right now but it fluctuates) I have total faith that God is with us and that all will be well. Do pray for us though if you are that way inclined.