“The war you don’t see”

We watched this documentary the other night on SBS. It really blew my mind. I just can’t believe that those involved in creating and sustaining this war are getting away with it. Sometimes I read about the insanely criminal activity that the US got up to in Latin America in the last century and I have thought that modern media wouldn’t let them get away with it now. It seems not so. Even today in 21st century Australia we will close our eyes to anything we don’t really want to know. Anything that will ensure our completely over the top and unsustainable lifestyles don’t get messed with. Even if this mean the death of millions (literally) and 90% of the casualties are civilians. Even if this means torture. And they knew from the start there were no weapons of mass destruction and if they didn’t then they’re just plain dumb because the evidence was there.

Anyway, I could rave about it all night but it makes me aware of how quiet I have been on the war since it started. Before it did I protested and wrote letters but since nothin, it just doesn’t feel like anyone would listen. It does make me not want to pay my taxes anymore. If only there was a way around it.

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