Biblical Heroes!

Here is a list of people in the Bible who have inspired me (in chronological order).  I have not put in Jesus – kind of goes without saying really and is probably a whole other category.

Jacob/Israel –  I mainly just like the part where Jacob wrestles with God.  I guess I have struggled and wrestled with faith too and I find this little story helpful.

Joseph – As a child I loved the story of Joseph although I think more than anything I liked his coloured coat.   Jacob could have perhaps been a little more humble about his coat and his dreams but he strikes me as kind and compassionate.  He was kind to the prisoners, to those who came looking for food during the famine and finally he shows mercy to his brothers.

Ruth – Nine years ago Martin and I were trying to make a decision about if we would bring his mum out for the wedding.  On the day we had decided not to we heard Jane preach on the story of Ruth at St John’s.  I am sure it was God speaking directly to me through Ruth and Jane.  Ruth’s faithfulness inspired me at that time and continues to inspire me today in what is not always an easy relationship.

Esther –  Esther was another story I loved as a child.  Esther is a courageous woman.  She makes a decision to stand up for her people even if it could cost her life.  We need more people like that.  Esther’s courage inspired me at a time when I needed to make a decision that needed courage, although certainly not as much as hers.

Hosea – There were a few prophets who I could have put on this list but I guess I chose Hosea for the obvious reason of his faithfulness to his unfaithful wife.  This beautiful example of God’s love for us is irresistible.  While, sometimes I find the prophets and their messages of doom, destruction and judgement a little heavy going Hosea shows with action more than words that God loves us first and foremost.  I also do admire that Hosea, (like the all the prophets) is not afraid to speak the hard truths of God, to call people back to a more just, honest, faithful and less greedy life.

John the Baptist – John was a radical.  I don’t think he would have fitted into the system at all.  I like that.  He wasn’t trying to win a popularity contest and he too spoke the hard truths to people about the need to change their lives.  He was also humble.  Never trying to seek the credit for himself but pointing people to God.

Mary Magdalene – I find the story of the women going to Jesus’ grave after his death to put spices on his body very inspiring.  They were faithful at a time when things were pretty uncertain and trusting in Jesus wasn’t working out as people had thought and hoped.   This faithfulness was also risky, all the males disciples were hiding and denying they ever knew Jesus, but these women went to the grave anyway out of love.  Not only is this very moving but I think it speaks volumes of the role of women in the church.






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