Nina has had her first lot of lice. What a pain. We have spent the last few days washing her hair with shampoo, spraying it with tea tree oil and trying to comb them out with those lice combs, not easy with a wiggly two year old. She hates it, we hate it and progress is very slow. Aaaahhhh. The woman at her family day care which she goes to on Wednesday says she can’t come unless she is lice free. I know that is totally understandable and she was very nice about it but despite how common lice is among kids, especially here, and knowing it has nothing to do with cleanliness one can’t help but feel a bit embarassed. I did laugh on Saturday though when we were out at Ellery Creek and I am chatting to someone and Nina out of nowhere says in a very loud voice, “yo me got lice.” At least she’s not embarassed.
Hope that the little blighters are gone very soon. And stay away.