Nina is 18 months today. What an incredible 18 months it has been. I continue to be astounded at how fast it seems to go. If I am honest I feel a certain relief as she grows. I do not find this mother gig particularly easy. There are certainly days when I just don’t know if I have the patience and energy for a young a child not to mention I can be really over anxious too. However, at this stage I don’t imagine that we will be doing this again so there is some sadness as well. When I look at her first photos and how small she was I do feel a certain longing for that time. She is also just so gorgeous and I can’t imagine her getting any more so but then again I have had that though many times and she has done it.
I always feel that about Sebastian too, that he can´t possibly get any more gorgeous….and he does.
Oh have another baby, go on, you did so well with the first one!
I could almost write this post word for word Mil – except with a three year old boy, who I am really enjoying having grow, and conversing with.
Happy half birthday Nina! She certainly is a gorgeous little girl.