The immigration department sux but blogging is good

Yes I am addicted already, all through my class at uni today I was thinking about coming home and blogging. It was a really good class today though, in fact probably the first that I have really enjoyed thus far. It was all talking and debating and sharing ideas, exactly what I thought uni was going to be. There is also a couple of deaf people in my class and they have someone come and sign for them and I just love watching her. I think I picked up a couple of things today which was pretty exciting.

It wasn’t a bad day today though, Adriana and I spent the morning having coffee, I would like to say that it was at least in part work related as we discussed how we were losing a lot of patients due to waiting times on the phone and how we could minimise that, and then it was lunch and then I did a bit of work and then I called my mum and then I went to uni.

I rang up the department of migrations though and they are nasty people, I couldn’t believe how rude the person was to me, she just kept saying goto the website and i kept saying I have been there but I still have these questions, there is is only so long that, that can go on for. Mind you I guess that is not as rude as they are to the refugees that come out here, looking for asylum. Asylum, fuck man I am starting to think they may be better off where they started. I am so filled with rage at this time about the whole thing, it is so unjust and unkind and inhumane and I think I am giving off heat. Mind you the people who I buy my phone cards from were good and I can get record from them of where I call so I can prove to the immigration people that I am calling Martin so that is going to save me some money.

Okay time to go and ring Martin and then get some sleep, aaaahhhhh sleep, one of the joys of my life that is coming a rater distant memory fairly quickly.

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