Spanish Test

Well my students are doing a tesy right now, it is a really had test an I am feeling a little bit guilty, I mean I think that it is impotrtant that people even learn on test days but it is also important that they feel good and want to continue.

Anyway I thought I could take this time to write in my blog. I imagine that no one s reading it anymore adn I figure I deserve that as I really do not write in enough. I guess that is a good thing, I would write more for myself rather than others.

I am feeling pretty angry at the moment with my boss, she is so cruel and spiteful. Today I asked her to sign a form that tells Centrelink my income and she basically told me that I have no right to be claming adn why should she the tax payer pay for it when I could work full time and stay studying part time. It was so rude she was basically accusing me of just been a lazy, bluger who is some how rippign of the Australian people. I think I was disappointed too. I gues I would expect that from some people but not from her. We used to be quite godd friends. Mus thinks it is because she doesn’t like seeing me move on to something beyond her. Maybe that’s it but it doesn’y mke it feel any better. It just seems even more immature.

Well whatever one more week to go of full time work.

God give me strengh please, it feels like an eternity away.

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