The ethics of the 21st century.

I am feeling a bit crap right now, I don’t really know why, well I kind of do but I think that I will thrash that one out in more detail in my private diary. Mum was telling us the other about a guy who read the blog of a lady that he worked with. He didn’t intenially look for it, just stumbled acroos it so he read it. On the blog the lady had said some mean things about some of the people at work including him. The man was quite by this so he confronted the lady who told him that he had no right to read her blog and she continues to be angry at him til this day, well the day that my mum told the story. Now I think that is stupid. Whether we write our blogs for ourselves or others or like me probably a bit of both we have to accept that it is on line and that others may read it. Even people we would never think would read it, that definitelty carries with it a certain amount of responsibility and therefore I am choosing not to discuss my crapiness here. There is also the fact that I discussed on my first blog ever that I have in the past often exposed myself emotionally in the past and just ended up feeling silly and vulnerable and while I still think that vulnerability in relationshps is very important one has to be careful. I imagine my grandparents never discussed the ethics surrounding what to blog and what not to. These are the ethics of the 21st century. Great now I have the found a title of this post. Yay post I said it right first time.

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