My week in reflection

I know that I have been very slack this last week in regards to blogging it is just that there is no internet at Adriana’s house, which is where we have been living for the past week and where we will be living for the next four weeks, so it is very difficult. It has been an good week, I think….

I handed in one asssessment.
I got given two new ones.
I dressed up in retro to celebrate Libby’s 21st birthday party and danced to a whole Bob Marley CD, Martin was vrey happy.
Gemma came home, Yay.
She gave me a cool outfit from India.
I went to mass, I like communion and I love the choir there.
I went to Monday Club, twice.
We cooked vege nachos there once, someone said it was the best food she had ever eaten.
I watched Andrew Denton, twice and last night was his last for the year, I was very disappointed.
I finally payed for the car insurance, very slack.
I drank chai with Jai, but she was late so it only lasted about 20 minutes, still fun though.
I worked three days, I won’t comment on that, too negative.
I went to a trivia night, $5000 was raised for Hannah’s school.
I actually knew a couple of answers, our team still came like third last though.
I ate brakfast at the Tropicana to celebrate Martin’s one year in Australia. Again too much to say about that to comment.

Well that’s not in order, the whole chronological order thing gets a bit tiring sometimes, but that is some of it anyway.

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