
About six months ago I decided that I was going to read the whole Bible from start to finish. I know that this is not really the most creative way to do it but I really am a chronological order kind of person. It makes sense to me. Anyway I found Genesis really exciting and the first part of Exodus was pretty cool too but I really slowed on Leviticus, Numbers, Deutromy and Joshua and I mean really slowed which probably explains why it has taken me six months to reach Judges. I must admit I have not read that many stories that I have never heard before, a couple but not many, but I have enjoyed seeing how they all fit together, many people are related to each other that I didn’t know were at all.

Anyway so I am up to Judges and I reading along and I am thinking how stupid all the people are. You know the whole thing of everything’s good as the people are with God but then they go and worhip other gods and everything goes bad so then God sends someone to save them and everything is good again but then they start worshipping other gods again and so everything falls apart and God has to send another person to save them and the whole thing goes on and on. And I am still thinking come on this is so riduculous. But then I go out into the world and I start reading all those stupid Woman’s Day magazines that always make me feel bad and I start having little fights with Martin about the same stuff as always and I get all worried about money and I want more of it and then I think Emily you’re so stupid why do you keep the same things over and over that you know are bad for you and I realised that I am no different to the Israelis.

So I have started wearing some rosary beads around my neck as a constant reminder to seek only God.

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