Nothing to do.

I am at work and I have nothing really to do. I don’t feel good about that as they are paying me. This is the first time that this has happened which is good. I hope it doesn’t happen a lot. I am waiting for lots of phone calls you see and emails and stuff. When people reply I will have something to do.

I don’t have the nicest office at work. There is no window and it is kind of dreary coloured. It is also pretty small. Smallness is not that big a deal to me but I would love a window. I try to get out at lunch time as there is a lovely park across the road and I have enjoyed many a luch break sitting there reading but I don’t always mange. I have decorated it a little though to make it feel homely and add some colour. I have a photo of Martin and I that Jo took when he first got here. He looks very cute. And I also have some pictures from TEAR magazines and a Luenig prayer that goes like this.

“We give thanks for the invention of the handle.
Weithout it there waoulkd be many things we couldnt’ hold on to.
As for the thigns that we can’t hold on to anyway, let us gracefully accept their ungrasable nature and celebrate all things elusive, fleeting and intangible.
They mystify us adn make us us recptive to truth and beauty.
We celebrate and give thanks.

One thought on “Nothing to do.

  1. So where is the photo of me on your wall huh? Actually that might make you look a bit silly if people think you ae sticking photo’s of yourself up on the wall. I like that Leunig poem. Actually in his calendar April of this year is funny. I didn’t get it but then Tom gave me his opinion and I laughed. It has all these little men pulling a sign that says “Things Are Great” but things obviously aren’t that great for them Ok that is not funny its just you know pretty ironic or something.

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