This time will pass.

Feeling a bit low to be honest. I think it is the combination of not really being able to shake this silly cold that just goes on and on mixed with the fact that it is looking like Martin’s brother is not going to be able to come to Australia, my grandfather is very sick, somehow we seem to have found ourselves in a little bit of debt again when I wanted to have saved money and I am very much missing Peru again. I have not missed Peru this much for ages. I mean I often think about it and I look forward to being there again some day and seeing the people I love but today I am filled with a strong ache for it that is weighing heavily on my heart.

I am thinking about that cartoon by Luenig that has a man sitting on a park bench staring sadly into the ground and next to it he has written something like this situation will chang, this time will pass”. As always they are very simple but wise words.

3 thoughts on “This time will pass.

  1. Hi Mil, Desperately sorry to have not made it down to the “warming” – was unwell.

    Just to let you know, if you didn’t, that TEAR now funds a project in Peru:

    PERU Lima Integrated Urban Development $10,000 Encouraging and supporting self-help initiatives in health and income generation activities in urban slum communities.

    Money, damn. You’ll find the means at the right time. Keep aching and the money will come…

    And, fyi, Leonardo, a fab music man from Peru, is comin to tear nsw office tuesday week in the evening to sing! You guys MUST be there!

    AND, we MUST get down to visit you all in your home SOON!

  2. hi dear

    ummmm yeah I know how u are fealing baby,and we will do all that we have to do to get there one day but before india and kenya yeah hahahahaha,but the time is now here,and we know that,and I understand is dificult,but things are getting much better and we are afortunados for that my baby.I hope that you enjoy your time of sadness,beacause it will make you “una hermoas y extraordinaria persona”.we should pray today for that people that in this moment dosnt have nothing to eat or to go,with all my love.

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