I have a crack in my bone.

On Wednesday night on my run I took a very bad fall on King Street. The footpath was being worked in and I didn’t see the ditch and down I went flat on my face. It was very embarassing and I was rather badly injured. I have lots of scratches all over my hands and shoulders and knees and one of them is infected I think. Martin did claen them all with antiseptic but there was just too much dirt around. I am limping around as my knee hurts but most importantly as I mentioned the wrist bone has a crack in it. I went to the doctor yesterday and he gave it an Xray and there is big crack in the bone. Even though it hurts a lot and it so frustrating that I can’t do anything with it it was kind of cool to see a big crack in my bone. Anyway because it is not broken but not just sprained either he was not sure whether to put plaster on or not so he is going to get a spcialist report and let me know today. I will keep you posted……

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