Good Weekend

I had a great weekend, hence the title good weekend.

On Friday night I went and saw Blue King Brown. They were brillant and there support act was almost as brillant. The music was good and the message was good and the vibe was good too. The last song they just played drums but it was the coolest sound ever. I felt like it was going right through me.

On Saturday morning Jo, Jem and I went to Post cafe in Marrickville and drank Chai and ate breakfast. Again it was really brillant, the company was good, the food and drink was good and the vibe was good too. We talked about lots of things, one of them being community and you’ll be very surprised to know that we think community is good. I really like Marrickville and this whole area is beginning to feel so familair and so homely. I almost feel like I belong. Afterwards we went to the Salvo’s shop and I got two new towells, two toothbrushes and some toothpaste and a massive bottle of sorbolene cream for 19.00. How good is that and new towells are great, they are like clean sheets. You just want dry yourself forever.

On Sunday I did some study which was relatively productive. Studying when you achieve nothing sux so bad but when you are productive it is actually really satisfying. It makes me realise why poeple like it.

In the afternoon when the sun was at it’s warmest I went for a swim with Hayley. I have been swimming a lot lately which has been really relaxing me and I am feeling pretty healthy too. In the evening with had a really fun BBQ with lots of local people who spontaneously dropped by, including our wine making neighbours who brought there very yummy wine. She is pregnant. I think preganant women are beautiful but if I hang around them I get really clucky. I don’t know if that is a good thing.

3 thoughts on “Good Weekend

  1. The Salvos must have got a donation from a tiletries compnay as they had all tehse brand new towells, bath mats, toothbrushes etc. They were not second hand.

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