Settling into Glebe.

As I don’t work on Mondays this was an extra long weekend for me and a super fun one, spent mostly in and with the Glebe community. Friday, I cleaned my house and did the washing. As we don’t have a washing machine I take it to Jo and Jeremy’s, next door. It is a bit annoying but good for community cause when I was there Jo asked if I wanted to have a cuppa with her and of course I did and we chatted for a whole wash. It is also better environmently and for our budget. In the afternoon Martin and I went for a run. I have a great run around here. I go up to the end of Glebe Point Road and then run along the harbour for a bit and then across Wentworth Park and wind around the streets back home. In the evening we decided to see a movie. Martin said we should also ask our other neighbour if she wanted to come. She is a single lady in her sixties so she was quite suprised when we asked but said yes. We went for dinner before hand and it was really nice hearing a bit of her story.

Saturday again at home, pottering around the house. Did some work on the liturgies for church and for the nominators. At this stage I am really ejoying being a nominator, it is actually quite interesting. It really is a strange thing the Anglican church and its process for finding a new minister but I think I agree with it. In the evening we had dinner with our friend’s Mal and Nadine who also go to our church and live on Glebe Point Road. They are very fun people.

Sunday, we went to church in the morning and then after a big group of us went and had coffee in a cafe down the road. One of the many nice thigns about going to that church is there is never a shortage of places to go for after church coffee. We sat in a lovely courtyard and enjoyed the absolutely perfect weather. Such a nice change from the 13 days of straight rain. Someone said it was the most days of rain consecutively in 70 years. I guess we have needed but boy o boy was I over it. I continued to enjoy the weather into the afternoon by sitting on my front balcony and reading. I just finished Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende. Now I have finished Harry I am back into her again. Sitting on the front is also very community-ish as people walk by and smile and say hi and comment on the weather. After a day of sitting around i though I should get some exercise so I wandered down to the pool had a swim and then back to church to pray. A group of us meet each Sunday to pray for the church, especially the nominating process. This week there was just two of us and we decided to sit in the front yard. As we were sitting there two older ladies came up to enquire if there was a service. We said there wasn’t but they could join us to pray. One of them was a Christian from out of town and was very pleased to. The other was a local but wasn’t a Christian, she was just showing her friend where the chuch was. Anyway she said she wouldn’t pray but would sit with us, however in the middle of the prayer she said, “well if there is a God I would like to pray for the poor people living in Glebe”. At the end she asked if we would say the Lord’s prayer. So we held hands and prayed. It was very moving really.

And finally today I met with my friend Jenny, who I have known since birth and we went and saw the Archibald. It was very good really although absolutely packed. Afterwards she came back to Glebe to see my house and we had lunch and coffee. I walked her back to the bus stop and walking down I saw 4 people that I knew. How local is that!!!

2 thoughts on “Settling into Glebe.

  1. oh that sounds like such a lovely long weekend! so much good communitiness! and the run sounds super. and how did you like isabel? twas so nice to speak to you the other day. love you heaps.

  2. That moment where the girl prayed for the poor people of Glebe and then she asked you to say the lords prayer. That is real beautiful. Mwah, love you heaps too. Also great you caught up with Jenny.

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