Book four: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

My fourth book, like my third was by Anne Lamott. I got very into her and living with Jane that is bound to happen. Bird by Bird is a book about writing, although much of the advice she applies to writing could be applied to life as well.

I decided to read it because for a little while now I have been talking about writing a prayer book but I hadn’t started. I thought reading a book about writing a book may be a good place to start. It turns out it was. I have now started. I realised I hadn’t started because every time I thought about starting I thought things like “no one would be interested in this” or “it is not as good as Leunig” or “this will never get published” etc. etc. I still think that but Anne Lamott reminded me that writing a book is not about that. It is simply about the joy of writing. And I want a book with my prayers in it and if no one else reads it except me (and probably my mum and my husband) that’s okay. This is going to take a long time I am sure but Anne Lamott says that’s okay too. Writing (like life) should be done “Bird by Bird”.

4 thoughts on “Book four: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

  1. Add me to the list of people who would read it. And not only would I read it but I wuld share the prayers with other people too.

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