First Week

I’ve started my new job. It is really intense I have to say. The woman before me left very quickly and unexpectedly so there’s been no hand over or anything. She was obviously not a very organised person as there are papers everywhere and no clue as to what they were for or anything. I truly have never seen anything like it in my life. On top of all this I am the only AMEP person in Alice, all my supervisers are in Darwin and they don’t really know much either. They have promised that someone will come next week to help me sort it all out and explain to me what I am supposed doing. Hopefully that will make this a little less overwhelming.

In the mean time I have just been attempting to teach some classes. I have had three classes and although they have not been great I think for my first attempts they haven’t been too bad either. Perhaps that’s more to do with the fact the students are lovely and very forgiving. They are a diverse group that is for sure. I have a number of Asians and Sudanese people, as well as an Afghani couple and a Cuban girl (there is also a Venezualen on the list but she didn’t come). There are no Europeans thus far at all though.

Although I feel fairly nervous all the time at the moment and very overwhelmed by it all, it feels good to be doing what I studied all those years for.

One thought on “First Week

  1. Wow. I want to come and talk to your Cuban student.

    I am really glad you have found a job. And even though not all of them are black children who don’t speak English, it sounds like the right kind of vibe.

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