Waiting, waiting, waiting.

We are two days overdue and still nothing. I am exhausted I have to say. Sleeping is pretty impossible at the moment, I am so uncomfortable. When I wake up in the morning everything aches so much from the struggle. I feel like I have gone ten rounds in a boxing match. I also have so much mucous in my nose and head that it is very hard to breathe. I have started snoring, sometimes I even wake myself up.

I guess though if this journey is teaching me anything it’s to wait patiently in trust and hope. I am trying to do this better.

2 thoughts on “Waiting, waiting, waiting.

  1. Hmmm I am snoring too, though so far I have only woken Victor up and not myself yet.

    Habakkuk 2:3 ‘Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay’ (I think the message says ‘come right on time’).

    I know God was talking about a baby then. For sure.

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