
Mother’s Day came and went fairly unremarked upon. In the lead up I kept watching the different ads for mother’s day gifts and thinking how much my mum would hate them. When I commented on this to Martin, he said, “you wouldn’t like them either”. Funny that it hadn’t even occured to me that I was now someone who receives gifts on Mother’s Day. Obviously, Nina is too little to give me anything but Martin gave me a big sleep in and some flowers on her behalf.

I took my mum to the movies cause she’s a great mum. Then we went to dinner, although Keith paid for the dinner for the mums. We saw a movie called Babies that was really great. It was just based on four babies, one from Mongolia, Nambibia, The USA and Japan and how they interacted with their environment, It was really cute and funny and interesting to see how similiar babies are but how different their environments are. It was a reminder to be a little less precious. Babies are actually quite resilient.

My gorgeous little girl is going pretty well. She says mama now and has one little tooth. She also crawls around. Well commando crawling, not quite up yet but she can get where she wants. She doesn’t seem to particularly enjoy it though. Although, I guess it is something she has to do on her own and she is not that into that. She likes being very close to people, preferably being carried. Other things she likes are eating, especially sand and leaves and anything she shouldn’t, putting her feet in the dirt, watching people brush their teeth, the new Alice Springs indoor pool, pulling DVD’s off the shelf, being thrown around by Martin, “if your happy and you know it clap your hands”.

One thought on “Mother

  1. I really enjoyed our evening out on mothers day. Thanks so much for inititiating it all. Thanks so much also for listening to me at dinner. I felt very heard and cared for.

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