So the count down has started. 10 days til we are in our own place in Chulucanas. I hate countdowns as they are not really in the spirit of cherishing the moment and being present to all things but I am really, really looking forward to it. It´s been a really tough first month here.

However there are always little blessings when I am able to be present to the presence of God. Here are some:

Nina has learned how to give kisses. They are lovely.
I have found tofu and mushrooms here and decent wine for a decent price.
I woke up on Christmas morning after not sleeping much. We spent Christmas Eve night at the beach on the most uncomfotable bed with more mossies than you could ever imagine. I looked around and thought this place is a dump (and it was) and it felt rather un-Christmasy. But the spirit was there and reminded me that it was probably more like where Jesus and his family spent his first night than any place I had slept and much more comfortable. And I felt more Christmasy and gave thanks for all I have.
There is a pool around the corner where I can swim.
My kindle and some good books.
Some lovely Skype conversations with mum and Keith and Gem.
Shopping in the market. I used to hate it and Ryan and I had many a discussion about it but now I love it.
Lots of time with Martin and Nina

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