
On the weekend we took a spontaneous trip to Trujillo (about seven hours from Chulucanas).  Martin’s beloved soccer team “La U” were playing there so he was keen to go and see them and catch up with some friends.  I thought it was about time I took a trip and saw a soccer game and I read Trujillo was a pretty city and there were some ancient ruins there from Pre-Incan cultures so agreed to go along.

So we arrived Saturday night about 7.30pm.  We put Nina to bed and then ate dinner outside our room on the roof. It had some pretty nice views –



Nina and I

After a typical Peruvian breakfast, a little explore of the colourful city

and the stunning plaza de armas

we went to the Chimu ruins of Chan Chan which was built around 1300 AD and is the largest adobe city in the world.  It was very cool.

Nina loved running around there.

After we made a trip to a local beach for lunch.  I am not a huge fan of Peruvian beaches, usually surrounded by desert and ugly hostels etc but the food is usually good.

And Nina could play in the park.

We went back to Trujillo for a sleep and then off to the game.  Unfortunately La U lost but we had fun.

And Nina got a La U shirt which she looked cute in.

The next day we made a trip to some more ruins.  This time the Moche ruins that were built around 500AD.  Unlike Australia Peru had a number of cultures before the Spanish arrived who all built.  The Incas are the most famous bu surprisingly had one of the shortes reigns.  Anyway here are the ruins.  They  were pretty special.



One thought on “Trujillo

  1. Wow, glad you are doing some travelling!

    Seven hours seems a long trip with a toddler, but after the epic trip you made from Australia I bet it seems like nothing!!

    What is a typical Peruvian breakfast?

    Sebas has his ‘Rojos’ t-shirt too. Victor is very proud when he wears it.

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