What I love about living in Chlucanas

Getting back to my blog topics challenge (which I still want to finish even though I am way past the initial time frame) here is a list of things I love about living in Chulu.

Our House:  It’s big and spacious and uncluttered which is perfect for a two year old.  It’s also light and airy and I love our furniture and the way we have decorated.  It feels like us.

Community:  Chulu has a real community to feel.  The down side is it can be a bit gossipy but I love bumping into family and friends everywhere we go and stopping to say hi and chat to almost everyone.  Again great for Nina.

The pace of life:  The pace of life is slow and I very rarely feel rushed.  I love the routine we are all in.

Things are local:   I love shopping at the markets or local corner stores which are owned by the people rather than big shopping monopolies.  So much is also locally grown too.  There is very, very little advertising around so I never feel bombarded with that.

The beautiful places:  There are so many places in and around Chulucanas to go to that are beautiful.  The river, the moutains, the street and parks.  These are all very restoring for my soul and help me connect with me and God and to go to with Martin and Nina.

Getting to know family:  This year in Chulu has helped me so much get to know Martin’s family and where they all fit so much better.  Family is very important here.  I feel I know Martin better now too.

The Pool:  I love my pool.  I love walking or running there.  Being able to do exercise is such a blessing.

Transport: I love that I don’t have a car.  I love that I can walk most places or catch a moto which are so much fun.

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