What makes God real to me and not just an elusive idea?

I mentioned a few posts back about how often in my life I read the stories of the Bible and find my own story glaring back at me.  It never ceases to amaze me how the stories of people living 2000 years ago are so similar to mine.  But then again I suppose the search for God is eternal and it shouldn’t surprise me that much but each time it happens God doesn’t feel elusive at all but very real.

And then so often at a time I am struggling with something I read an article in magazine or a chapter in a book or a friend starts talking to me about having a really similar struggle and in the sharing of that I so often hear the voice of God and it is like he is talking to me directly.  Each time it happens God doesn’t feel elusive at all but very real.

Currently I am reading a book called “The Power of Now”.  I have come to realise that in the rare moments when I can stop my mind and my ego racing at 100 miles an hour and be very present to the moment I become so aware of the presence of God in my life and as said God doesn’t feel elusive at all but very real.

Then just tonight I have been going over and over again all my current worries and disappointments and I get on the net and I read Tom’s post “the sticking”.  It made me reflect how often God feels real to me because of my friends.  His light in them shines through to me whenever I can’t see it on my own.  Over and over their stories have spoken his truth to me and made God so very real.  For them I am very grateful.

So much of what Tom said is so true for me too. God feels so very real for me because he’s never let me down.  Every time I have fully put my trust in him he has come through for me.  Not always how I thought but hindsight has shown it was better than I could have imagined.  And every struggle and disappointment and pain I’ve had to face he walked it with me, holding me and has proved to be greater than it.  For me God is not just an elusive idea but very real.


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