
I’ve made it. This is the last topic in my blog challenge that I started back in June. It was supposed to be one month, 31 days but it’s ended up been four and a half months, 141 days. That’s quite a lot longer although I think it’s still better than anyone else is doing on their challenges.

Anyway, Nina is going well. She’s pretty huge. I can’t believe how much has changed since we left. She walks, talks and doesn’t wear nappis. While we still have accidents every three or four days I am happy to say she’s toilet trained finally.

Her current loves are books (still), mangoes (lucky they’re only about 20c here), play school (thanks Jo), cooking (she loves making salads with me. She rips up the lettuce, puts in all the verges I cut up and tosses it), she even loves putting the rubbish away and the plates away after I have washed them. She really is very helpful. She still loves going out which we do a lot thankfully or she gets pretty cranky at home all day. She particularly loves the park and shoe shopping. Lucky as I feel like we have to buy new shoes all the time. She grows so fast and really wears them down. She loves to try different ones on and exclaims “que Bonita” to each one.

She’s very independent. She always wants to do everything “sola”. Get undressed, eat, wash her hands, climb the slippery dip. Sometimes I do worry.

We also seem to have come to the end of our dream run with sleep. Only occasionally now do we get a nap in. I still put her in her cot each afternoon but she rarely sleep so I get her up after 40 mins. Shes happy enough to just play with her soft toys and I figure it’s a bit of down time for us all but I do miss those over an hour sleeps.

Sorry no photos comp has died which is a bit stressful. It was old so it was coming and we have much of it on hard drive and the rest im sure we can get retrieved but I did want to make a few albums for people which I now can’t and three weeks without one at home sux. She’s still the cutest little girl ever but you’ll just have to take my word for it.

One thought on “Nina

  1. Lovely hearing Nina updates!! I love that she loves trying on shoes, very cute.

    Sebas loves helping me too, especially to do the washing up. Though it isn’t very helpful as it mostly involves a lot of water getting on the floor and not very much being washed up…He is helpful in tidying up and putting things in the bin though, and sometimes in cooking.

    Glad to hear that playschool has become a hit in your house too. Sebas watches it and recites what they say after them, he knows it so well. Very cute.

    We are getting the dream run on sleeps at the moment, nights are still average but 1 1/2- 2 hour naps…..that is sad that Nina’s naps seem to be coming to an end…I am still hoping that it continues till school !?

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