Despite the fact that this blog doesn’t get a lot of attention these days I do really value it as a record of the last ten years especially the last three of Nina’s life. So I thought it was high time I wrote a little post about what Nina is up to these days.

Well she’s three.  There seemed to be a lot of celebrations for her birthday.  We went to Simpson’s Gap on the actual day.  In the morning she said that was what she wanted to do.  We go there for little walks and it is definitely one of her favourite places.  Jane and John were here and Pat and Jem too so that was a bit special.  (Jane if you are reading this she is loving the puzzle you gave her).  Then on the Saturday we had a party with her friends.


Nina at three is still a gorgeous delight.  She is really getting into her creative play and telling stories lately which is fun.  Although an awful lot of it is about food.  She really loves food.   For example, making ice cream with play doh or getting into the wash basket, pretending it is car and driving to town to eat hot chips.  The other day we got into the hammock which was a boat.  The boat ended up in Sydney where where we were eating hummus with Tia Loca.  She also loves all things music.  We often put on music and dance  or just sing songs.  She has also began picking up any musical instrument and playing it which is making me feel a bit limited in developing that interest due to my total lack of skills but here’s her getting some drum lessons from a guy in town who was doing some workshops at the desert festival.


She also had her first face painting there.


She still loves climbing anything.  We climb the hills all the time and the trees down in the gap.  I feel very lucky to live here in this environment.  Here she is climbing some red sand hills.


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