Strabismus surgery

As you all know Nina is quite cross eyed.  This isn’t the official name for what she has though, it is really called Strabismus.  Nina has strabismus in both her eyes, meaning that they take turns turning inward.  When the eye is turned in she is not actually seeing out of it, thus she is only ever seeing out of one eye.  This obviously effects her vision significantly, particularly her depth perception.

Over the last 6 months we have seen an optometrist, then an ophthalmologist and finally a paediatric ophthalmologist and it has finally been decided that they will operate on her eyes.  The operation is on the 17th June.  As Nina has it in both eyes, both eyes have actually worked (just no together) so they say results should be good.

I am pleased she is having surgery, it will be great for her to be able to see a bit better and should improve her fine motor skills in particular.  There is also a cosmetic element to it.  I hardly notice it anymore and when I do I think it is quite cute but I know others notice.  Other kids will often ask, “what’s wrong with her eyes” so I am sure as she grows she will be pleased we did it.  None the less I can’t help feeling a little anxious about it.  The idea of my little girl having a general anaesthetic and then having an incision in her eye is not a nice thought for me. Apparently, though strabismus occurs in 3 in 100 people so the surgery is quite common and very low risk.  It will only take one hour and pain should be minimal after.  The ophthalmologist here is very well regarded too and really kind.  He assures me we are going to be good friends, in that follow up will be required for most of her childhood and likely another surgery.  But really I should just be grateful that she can have this surgery.  Grateful too that she is in every other way healthy.  We really are blessed.


3 thoughts on “Strabismus surgery

  1. Hi, I am Jane French’s father and I just had cataract surgery on both eyes. It is a piece of cake. I found and everyone else seems to comment how the anesthetic and the aftermath was very easy. As a parent it is your God given duty to worry, but it will be quite painless and quite simple. Good luck to Nina and the suffering parents !

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