a new government

Before and since the election I have very intentionally avoided watching much news.  I have found it all a bit soul destroying.  My good friend Jonathan keeps reminding me that change doesn’t begin in politics it begins in the community which I think it is true but I guess the thing that I am finding hard about that is that the community it seems is as conservative, if not more that the politicians themselves.  I am constantly astounded by how desperate and scared people in this country are given how good we all have it.  I guess since the beginning of democracy in this country Labor has been in, then Liberal, then Labor and then Liberal again and so this is all not that important but I do feel that the world is just getting more and more conservative and I find that thought pretty dark.  I think right now with climate change becoming ever more real and ever more impossible to turn back now more than ever we needed a radical government willing to make change and we got the total opposite of that.

Anyway, tonight I have turned on ABC News 24.  I’m watching Anthony Albanese on Insiders saying why he should be the leader of the Labor party.  It is my hope that Labor will use this time to regroup and re-look at their core values and that in the next election offer a truly different option.  But mostly tonight, I have been particularly horrified by the the lack of women in the liberal front benches and cabinet.  This is probably old news for people who have turned their television on  in the last few weeks but not me.  This following the truly horrendous treatment of Julia Gillard makes me feel worried for the little girl I am trying to raise.

In all that I do know that even the smallest candle can bring light to a very dark room so there is always hope.