Finally we made it to Lima. What a relief. We arrived at about 9.30pm but by the time we dealt with everything it was midnight before we got to the hotel. Thankfully Nina went down ok and only woke up once before she got up at 8.00am. I am especially thankful as my body has collapsed and I have come down with a terrible flu.
Lima is busy, busy, busy and very noisy. Martin and Nina have been catching up with family and friends and I am mostly trying to stay in bed and rest. I did make it up to go to a meeting with Ruth from an NGO here called “Paz y Esperanza”. She is also the coordinator for Micah Challenge South America. It was great to chat with her. I also went for a little walk around Miraflores where we are staying. It’s near the beach and while it’s not great for swimming and I am not up to that anyway it was good to smell the sea air.
We were going to stay in Lima one more day but have decided to head to Piura today. I just don’t think I am going to get well in Lima. It’s pretty full on. I also need to stop travelling. I want to have a home again. That does mean 15 hours on a bus though. I keep telling myself this journey does have to end but sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. It’s all pretty overwhelming.