I am so confused.

Well I went and did that visited countries thing which was so fun. I have to say the countries that I have been to are all a bit random really. Anyway I did it and then I manged to like paste some HTML text and up cam the map on my blog. Can you believe it I managed to paste some HTML text. So there it is on my blog but it is not registering on Blogfeed nor does it exist in my list of recent enteries. So I don’t know what’s going on. I so don’t want it to disappear.

Other things that I am confused about are:
Why people, myself included read Womens Day maghazines when they only make us feel bad.
These new anti terrorist laws.
The New Industrial realations laws.
Why people think having sex with disabled people will cure them of HIV/AIDS.
How HIV/AIDS got so out of control anyway.
My Research and Inquiry Assessment.
Why some people have so much and other (the majority) have little.
Why people don’t seem to care about it.
Why university educated people can’t find work so they end up driving taxis.


THe majority world.

I received my second New Internationalist magazine yesterday. I was so excited to get it. It is like a little present every month, it’s so fun. Anyway I was reading it last night of course and they refer to the “third world” as the majority world. I think that is a better way to put in than third world or developing world and unfortunately accurate.


I have done some really interesting assessments this semester, a little challenging but good.

The first one that comes to mind was my policy analysis assessment where I analysed the policies of “The Sopranos”. If any of you don’t know by now I am a huge fan of the Sopranos so being able to sit around and watch them over and over and not feel bad because it was for uni was so great. Every time I watched them I just became more and more aware of how tight the script was, they don’t say a word that doesn’t count. It is a little violent at times and they can be so mean but it is essentially a program about families and it is a really interesting look at them.

The second assessment that I found just fascinating was my Spanish presentation where I chose to talk about Liberation Theology. Again most people have probably heard by now that I am also a huge fan of Liberation Theology so it was great to sit around and read about it all day. I am also believe it or not a huge fan of Peru and that is where this theology was started. I don’t really know how to sum it up in a couple of words so I will give you a quote here from Guiterrez himself that describes it. “It is a theology based on the Bible that reveals to us a God that without limits rejects injustice and poverty”. It’s a bit of a dodgy translation but I think you have got the idea. After reading Robert’s blog I thought I should avoid any of the translation things on the net.

Anyway the assessment that I am doing right now is not like these. It is horribly boring and I am finding it hard to stay focused. I guess that is why I have mangaed to read almost all the blogs of the people I know and the people that I don’t and write this fairly long blog post. I am trying to think of more to write to avoid it but I think I have to accept that the time has come to return.

Oh Lord give me strength


In response to my last Jo sent me this. I needed it, I still need it.

Your Spirit Alive in the Laughter of Our Eyes”

Help us to let go
Of all You have forgiven a thousand times
to realise the forgiven exists no longer.
Liberate Your Spirit
from among the shame and guilt
that we have allowed to weigh us down.

Help us to forgive ourselves
And one another
and lighten up our world
to see the love and the laughter in each other’s eyes
the inner joy of forgiveness being realised.


Sometimes I am such a fucking bitch.

Sorry about the harsh language but I am feeling a little overwhelmed by own ickiness at the moment and that seems to be the only way to describe it. Well it doesn’t even come close but it is closer than some less full on language.

I should be practising a Spanish presentation but all I can think about is how shitty a human being I am.

Damn it.


About six months ago I decided that I was going to read the whole Bible from start to finish. I know that this is not really the most creative way to do it but I really am a chronological order kind of person. It makes sense to me. Anyway I found Genesis really exciting and the first part of Exodus was pretty cool too but I really slowed on Leviticus, Numbers, Deutromy and Joshua and I mean really slowed which probably explains why it has taken me six months to reach Judges. I must admit I have not read that many stories that I have never heard before, a couple but not many, but I have enjoyed seeing how they all fit together, many people are related to each other that I didn’t know were at all.

Anyway so I am up to Judges and I reading along and I am thinking how stupid all the people are. You know the whole thing of everything’s good as the people are with God but then they go and worhip other gods and everything goes bad so then God sends someone to save them and everything is good again but then they start worshipping other gods again and so everything falls apart and God has to send another person to save them and the whole thing goes on and on. And I am still thinking come on this is so riduculous. But then I go out into the world and I start reading all those stupid Woman’s Day magazines that always make me feel bad and I start having little fights with Martin about the same stuff as always and I get all worried about money and I want more of it and then I think Emily you’re so stupid why do you keep the same things over and over that you know are bad for you and I realised that I am no different to the Israelis.

So I have started wearing some rosary beads around my neck as a constant reminder to seek only God.

Blogging from my room.

I am very excited as I am blogging from my room. I have a very lovely new laptop computer that my lovely husband bought for me and then lovely David has hooked it up to wireless internet (I don’t know if one hooks up to wireless but I think you get the drift). Anyway now I can sit here on my bed, while I am supposed to be studying and blog instead. It is really wonderful (I thought I had better not use the adjective lovely again).

This willl probably mean that I blog a lot more. The fact that I am back from Adriana’s will also mean I blog a lot more too.

We liked living at Adriana’s house for a little while. It is a nice house, although I think I would go about decorating a little differently. It is in the middle of the bush so it is quite peaceful and relaxing and we made friends with the possums and the birds that would come and eat with us when we sat on the balcony. The possum even started eating from my hand which was very exciting. We also had lots of lovely (oh no that word again) friends come and eat with us like Des and Steve, and Ryan and Libby, and Jo and Jemma, and Gemma and Matt, and of course my mum and dad and Keith. I have become quite the little entertainer which I really enjoy.

I am getting frustrated by my work at the moment. I mean I find it all quite interesting, I am doing a policy analysis on the policies of “The Sopranos” and I love the Sopranos and I think I have some fairly good ideas about it all but it is so hard to get out all the thoughts that I have in my head out on to the computer in some kind of fashion that makes any sense at all. I guess that’s my life really. How often I think something and it comes out of my mouth or fingers (if I am writing) in such a different way and I just want to shove it all back in there. Maybe like this post that is oh so boring really and quite sort of random and all over the place.

My week in reflection

I know that I have been very slack this last week in regards to blogging it is just that there is no internet at Adriana’s house, which is where we have been living for the past week and where we will be living for the next four weeks, so it is very difficult. It has been an good week, I think….

I handed in one asssessment.
I got given two new ones.
I dressed up in retro to celebrate Libby’s 21st birthday party and danced to a whole Bob Marley CD, Martin was vrey happy.
Gemma came home, Yay.
She gave me a cool outfit from India.
I went to mass, I like communion and I love the choir there.
I went to Monday Club, twice.
We cooked vege nachos there once, someone said it was the best food she had ever eaten.
I watched Andrew Denton, twice and last night was his last for the year, I was very disappointed.
I finally payed for the car insurance, very slack.
I drank chai with Jai, but she was late so it only lasted about 20 minutes, still fun though.
I worked three days, I won’t comment on that, too negative.
I went to a trivia night, $5000 was raised for Hannah’s school.
I actually knew a couple of answers, our team still came like third last though.
I ate brakfast at the Tropicana to celebrate Martin’s one year in Australia. Again too much to say about that to comment.

Well that’s not in order, the whole chronological order thing gets a bit tiring sometimes, but that is some of it anyway.